Welcome from the CEO

Welcome to the Encore Enterprises CIO website!
Encore is a cultural organisation specialising in music and based in Herefordshire. We were formed in July 2012 originally as a CIC (Community Interest Company). Due to nearly all of our services to the community being of a charitable nature, in September 2023 we became a charity (Charitable Incorporated Organisation).
Encore is Governed by a Board of voluntary Trustees. We have a small team of Managers, Leaders and Coordinators and a delivery team over 60 professionals. Please do have a look at our ‘Meet the Team’ tab if you would like to know more.
Our Vision: To be the best provider of high quality cultural services in Herefordshire and beyond
Our Aims:
Ensuring access for all
Networking and forming stronger partnerships
Continuously striving for higher quality and improved services
Organising a broad range of activities and ensuring value for money
Reflecting upon and evaluating our services
Enjoyment for everyone in the community
Encore has a range of services for the community split into 3 areas:
Encore Music Service (our pre-school, schools and colleges services)
Encore Youth Music (out of school group music making services for children and young people)
Encore Community Music (services for adults)
Encore has a strong focus on wellbeing, access and inclusion. Whilst our standards are always high, we are not always about producing the best possible choir or activity in the county. We are about ensuring opportunities for everyone in our community irrespective of their health, financial status, physical disability, mental health needs. We equally value someone who wants to perform on a stage, with someone who wants to help their anxiety by coming into town, finding Encore, meeting someone new and having the confidence to sing on their own in a room with the support of one of our specialists.
Encore has a range of funders, without whom we would not exist. We are eternally and sincerely grateful to them all.
We pride ourselves on customer service and care, so please do let us know your positive experiences. If in the unlikely event you feel we fall short, then please let us know. As a charity we are here to help you, so if you cannot find the service you are looking for or want to suggest something new then do let us know.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our many activities or events.
Cliff Woollard
Chief Executive Officer