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Herefordshire Music Fund

***New Bursary Applications***


Due to unprecedented demand all bursaries are fully allocated and the Herefordshire Music Fund is currently closed to new applications until further notice. The Trustees are working hard to raise additional funds and HMF will re-open for applications as soon as possible.

This page will be updated as soon as more bursaries become available, so please check back regularly.

***Trustee Recruitment***


Herefordshire Music Fund is looking to recruit new trustees, for more information click here.

'I believe it’s a child’s birth-right to have access to music of all genres. Music enriches our lives and communities and can lead to a life-long fulfilment.


Your determination that every young person in Herefordshire should be able to experience music tuition and develop their talents, whatever their financial or social background, is one I completely share.’

Julian Lloyd-Webber


Emeritus Professor of Performing Arts, Birmingham City University

Patron: The Music Pool


For All Generations


Chances are you don’t need convincing of the power of music to enrich our lives and communities. Perhaps you play in a band, sing in a choir or simply enjoy listening to music. For many of us, experiencing music at school sparked our musical interest and skills learnt in childhood became the means to life-long fulfilment.

How To Donate

Patrons, Friends and Champions

How To Apply

Application FAQs

Trustee Recruitment

For More Information

If you have any queries about Herefordshire Music Fund or a Herefordshire Music Fund bursary, please contact:

Sadly, financial resources available to support music education have been drastically reduced over recent years. National government and local councils no longer pay for music lessons. The days of free instrument/vocal tuition have long gone. It’s particularly concerning to think that some experiencing the loss of musical opportunities in their lives may not even be aware of it.


In the long term there is a real risk that our public and private gatherings will become increasingly quiet. No band in the park. Recorded music replacing live. Music festivals without local talent. Choirs without young people. We want to change that.

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Herefordshire Music Fund - Registered Charity Number 1186174

The Herefordshire Music Fund is a charitable trust run by local people. We're driven by the belief that every child and young person should be able to access musical opportunities and develop their talents.


What we want to do?


  • For children and young people in challenging financial circumstances, we provide bursaries to fund instrumental and vocal tuition. We support complete beginners through to the most experienced and across a range of styles including classical, folk, rock, pop and jazz.


  • We nurture the talent of young musicians across all genres by helping those who struggle financially with the cost of taking part in activities including workshops, courses, residentials, events and masterclasses / sessions with renowned musicians. 

Could You Donate?

Every donation, however small, goes towards helping young musicians develop their talent and overcome the financial and social barriers they face.

Could You Give Regularly?

Our ambition is to support 40 young people each and every year. 200 people giving £5 per month will enable us to achieve this.

HMF Friends and Champions

Please consider becoming a Friend or Champion of Herefordshire Music Fund. HMF Friends are generous people who give regularly from £5 a month to the Fund.

A HMF Champion is someone who goes above and beyond in their support, with an annual donation of £300 (£25 per month) or more. We know that Herefordshire is bursting with musical talent and we want to support as much as possible of this incredible potential. If you have the means, please consider becoming an HMF Champion.


Friends and Champions have the option of being acknowledged on the Herefordshire Music Fund website and in Encore Youth Music concert programmes. HMF Champions will also be invited to attend Encore Youth Music concerts free of charge. and may choose to have a bursary named after them or their business. Friends and Champions will not have their names published without first giving their consent.

For further details or enquiries, please contact us:


Could You Help Fundraise?


Do you have an idea for a fundraising event? Could you help out at one? Maybe you have links with a business that would like to get involved? Perhaps you know a well-known musician or media personality associated with Herefordshire who could offer their support to promote the Fund?


If so, please contact us:

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