Exciting Opportunity for New Trustees
Herefordshire Music Fund (HMF) is a registered charity (No: 1186174). What drives us is the belief that no child or young person should be excluded from accessing music education and developing their talents due to low income or social circumstance. We provide bursaries for young people who live or attend school/college in Herefordshire to fund instrumental or vocal tuition and participate in musical activities across a range of genres which otherwise they could not afford.
HMF is seeking new trustees to join its Board. Joining the Board of Trustees is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the development of the charity as it seeks to meet its aim of ensuring all young people regardless of their background can benefit from music lessons whether they are planning to become professionals or to enjoy performing as an amateur. Key priorities for the Board are ensuring funds can be raised to ensure our work can continue, communicating the benefits of music making as not just an enjoyable exercise but enhancing educational achievement generally and forming strong collaborative links with schools and colleges.

The Trust receives administrative support from Encore (formerly the Herefordshire Music Service). The Board meets 3 times per year, usually virtually. The post is unpaid.
To apply, please email a short statement outlining what motivates you to become a trustee and the skills and experience you could bring to the role to Roger Wiebkin (musicfund@encore-enterprises.com). To ask further questions or for an informal discussion about the role, contact Jonathan Godfrey, Chair of Trustees (jtg@hereford.ac.uk).