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Guidance for Instrumental/Vocal Tutors

What is Herefordshire Music Fund?

The Herefordshire Music Fund is a registered charity No 1186174. Its Trustees are driven by the belief that every child and young person should be able to access musical opportunities and develop their talents, whatever their financial or social background.


What does Herefordshire Music Fund do?

For children and young people in challenging financial circumstances, HMF provide bursaries to fund instrumental and vocal tuition. HMF supports complete beginners through to the most experienced and across a range of styles including classical, folk, rock, pop and jazz.


HMF nurtures the talent of young musicians across all genres by helping those who struggle financially with the cost of taking part in activities including workshops, courses, residentials, events and masterclasses.


Who is eligible to apply?

​Children and young people living in Herefordshire or attending school/college in Herefordshire.


Is there an age limit?

​Children and young people must be 19 years of age or younger on the date the application is received by Herefordshire Music Fund.


How much are bursaries worth?

Bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need and will cover between 25% - 100% of tuition costs at the discretion of the Trustees.


​Usually, bursaries will be calculated assuming a 20-minute individual lesson at a rate of £11.50 (£34.50 per hour). For paired or group lessons, the rate will be adjusted accordingly in consultation with the tutor. For more advanced students, bursaries may be awarded for longer lessons and must be agreed with HMF before lessons begin. Bursaries are available for a maximum of 32 lessons per year.


What’s the process for arranging tuition for bursary recipients?  

​Parents/carers or the student’s school should approach you to arrange instrumental/vocal tuition in the usual way and inform you that they are intending to apply for a bursary.


The Fund Administrator will inform you if your student (existing or new) has been successful in applying for a bursary and the amount. If a 100% bursary has been awarded all tuition costs can be claimed from HMF. If a percentage of tuition costs has been awarded, the parents/carers or the student’s school (if this has been agreed in advance) are responsible for paying the remaining lesson fee. Tutors should invoice parents/carers or the school in the usual way.

How do I claim?

Instrumental/vocal tutors submit a half-termly or termly online claim form for the number of lessons taught. The claim form can be accessed by following the link emailed to tutors when registering with HMF.


HMF Trustees request that tutors help to ensure that funds are used appropriately. As part of each end of term claim, tutors are asked to indicate a student’s level of attendance, overall progress, effort/willingness to practice and participation in musical activities (if appropriate). Regretfully, should a report not be submitted the award of a bursary may be withdrawn. 


Can I claim for missed lessons?

HMF Trustees recognise that most instrumental/vocal tutors charge for missed lessons. Tutors need to protect their incomes and the Trustees support this position. Trustees also have a responsibility to be wise stewards of the generous donations of HMF supporters. 


  • If a student misses a lesson and the tutor generously chooses to teach an additional ‘catch-up’ lesson without charge to the parents/carers or school, then a claim for tuition costs should not be made.


  • If a student misses a lesson and the tutor charges the parents/carers or school for the missed lesson, then a claim for the bursary percentage of tuition costs can be made.


However, HMF Trustees need to monitor the number of and reasons for missed lessons and request tutor’s help in doing so. When submitting a bursary reimbursement claim form, tutors will be asked to indicate the date and reasons for any missed lessons (if known). Should a pattern of excessive or ‘unreasonable’ absence emerge the Trustees reserve the right to withdraw the bursary award.


Must I have a DBS?

Yes. All tutors of bursary recipients are required to hold an Enhanced DBS. Tutors are asked to confirm their possession of a DBS when registering with HMF and annually thereafter.


Do you have a Safeguarding Policy?

Yes. HMF has a Safeguarding Policy which tutors must agree to abide by. The Safeguarding Policy will be emailed to tutors when registering with HMF. It is also available here.


Should you have any further questions or queries, please contact Eva Prestage (HMF Administrator): 

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