Herefordshire Music Education Hub
What is a ‘Music Education Hub’?
Music Education Hubs are central to the UK Government’s ‘National Plan for Music Education’ and officially began activities on 1st August 2012. Music Education Hubs are funded and overseen by the Arts Council England on behalf of the Department for Education. There are 118 nationwide.
A Music Education Hub is characterised by a partnership between organisations working together to ensure that every child aged 5-18 in their area has the opportunity to sing, to learn a musical instrument, to perform as part of an ensemble or choir and to take their talent further.
Herefordshire Music Education Hub
In Herefordshire, the Music Education Hub is led by Encore Enterprises CIO. The Hub Board works rather like an advisory board and they meet approximately once a term. Its purpose is to provide ‘strategic vision’ in order to develop and enhance the musical education offer to all children and young people in Herefordshire and in particular to advise on the use of the Department for Education grant.
Encore Enterprises is committed to listening and responding to the needs of all those with an interest in music education. It is unusual in that the majority of the Hub Board represent ‘stakeholders’ rather than ‘delivery’ organisations. Board members represent parents/pupils, instrumental/vocal tutors, heads of music/music coordinators, headteachers, sixth form colleges and Encore Enterprises. Members of the Hub Board are listed below. All members of the Hub Board kindly give freely of their time and expenses, ensuring all funding is spent on our children and young people.
To support and inform the work of the Hub Board, smaller working groups (Sub-Hubs) discuss specific areas of music education related to the ‘core’ and ‘extension’ roles.
What are the ‘Core’ and ‘Extension’ roles?
Music Education Hubs have four core roles and three extension roles through which they plan and deliver music education:
Core roles
Wider Opportunities: Ensure that every child aged 5-18 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument through whole-class ensemble teaching programmes for ideally a year (but for a minimum of a term).
Ensembles: Provide opportunities to play in ensembles and to perform from an early stage.
Progression Routes: Ensure that clear progression routes are available and affordable to all young people.
Singing: Develop a singing strategy to ensure that every pupil sings regularly and that choirs and other vocal ensembles are available in the area.
Extension roles
Continuing Professional Development: Offer CPD to school staff, particularly in supporting schools to deliver music in the curriculum.
Instruments: Provide an instrument loan service, with discounts or free provision for those on low incomes.
Inspirational Experiences: Provide access to large scale and / or high quality music experiences for pupils, working with professional musicians and / or venues.
Within this framework, Herefordshire Music Education Hub and its partners are working together to provide exciting opportunities so that the children and young people of Herefordshire can achieve their musical potential.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Herefordshire Music Education Hub is committed to equality and valuing diversity within its Board and Sub-Hub (working party) membership and delivery partners. A summary of the EDI policy is available here.
Current Board Members