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Rise Up 2023

“RISE UP” is a project aimed at boosting mental health, well-being, confidence and resilience through music. Initially targeting the transition year groups going from primary to secondary school (Year 6 - Year 7).

Right now, children's well-being is at a ten year low. When problems start, they can't get help. When things get too much, they are put on a waiting list. We want young people to be happy and feel good about themselves, to be able to fight and not give up. What is well-being? Well-being is about how we are doing and how we feel about our lives. Music can play a vital role here.

Over the next three years we would like more schools to take part and to extend the project to include Year 5 and Year 8 students across the county. The two year groups involved in this pilot will be invited to take part in the following
year’s project as year 7/8 students. This will be beneficial for them and the continuity of the programme.

A short video about the project can be found below.

Resource Pack

We have put together a document containing the resources used as part of the project. If you would like to receive a copy of this resource, please contact us:

Workshop Bookings

As part of Rise Up 2023 we are offering the opportunity for our Singing for Wellbeing Leader to come into your school to deliver a 50 minute workshop. During this, she will showcase the warmups and go through the three songs learnt during the Rise Up project. You will also be given the resources to develop, practice and perform as you see fit. Children will learn some fun songs, as well as look at some of the issues faced by our young people today.


To book a workshop session, click here.

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