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Last Train to Tomorrow

A musical drama – Last Train to Tomorrow – remembering the first train rescuing children from Nazi Germany in 1938, will be performed

exactly 80 years later in Leominster Priory on Saturday 1st December at 7pm. The piece, composed by Carl Davis, tells the story of the Kindertransport in words and music, bringing to life the dramatic flight of over 10,000 children from all they knew and loved and their arrival to the safe haven and new life in the United Kingdom. It will be performed by local choirs and school children including Herefordshire Youth Choir.

The rescue of children from Czechoslovakia was organised by Sir Nicholas Winton and it is his daughter Barbara who has invited the internationally known composer of the work, Carl Davis, to introduce his piece in Leominster as part of nationwide celebrations of the Kindertransport.

Before the performance there will be talks by Lady Milena Grenfell Baines, who herself arrived in Britain from Czechoslovakia on the Kindertransport, and Stephen Hales, OBE, CEO of Refugee Action. They will be drawing attention not only to the massive endeavour undertaken to save so many children, but also to the Resettlement Scheme that is currently helping refugees, including children, from Syria to relocate in Herefordshire.

An important link to Leominster for the Kindertransport is the memory of George Mandl who came to the town as a 16 year old, was hosted by a local family, went to Leominster Grammar School, served in the armed forces and went on to become Master of the Stationers Company in London.

TICKETS available from TIC 01568 616460 cost £12/£5 under 18s. Profits from the concert will go to local refugee charities Refugee Action and People in Motion.

For further information please search ‘Facebook Last Train to Tomorrow’

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