Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope you had a pleasant and restful break and that you are looking forward to a new term of making music!
The Encore office has now reopened as usual:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am til 4:30pm - Instrument collections/returns 8:30am til 4pm
Fridays 8:30am til 3:30pm - Instrument collections/returns 8:30am til 3pm
A set of directions to our office can be found by clicking here.
If you are visiting, please phone beforehand to check so that you don't have a wasted trip.
Herefordshire Youth Music
Herefordshire Youth Music starts back up this Saturday and the Herefordshire Youth Orchestra and Herefordshire Youth Brass Band rehearsals start back up on Tues 14th and Wednesday 15th respectively. If you are interested in joining HYM or would like more information, click here.
A reminder that the HYO autumn concert that was cancelled due to flooding has been rescheduled to Sunday 19th January at 7:30pm The Shirehall, Hereford.
For more information about Herefordshire Youth Music, please contact Lisa Lyness: lisa@encore-enterprises.com
Herefordshire Performing Arts Festival
We are delighted to announce that we are now accepting entries for the Herefordshire Performing Arts Festival, the syllabus and online form can be found here. For more information please contact Lisa Lyness: lisa@encore-enterprises.com
Instrument Hire
Interested in learning an instrument? Encore has a large stock of brass, woodwind and string instruments as well as digital pianos, acoustic and electric drumkits which it hires out. If you are interested in hiring an instrument or would like more information, please click here or contact Alex McWilliams: alex@encore-enterprises.com