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Voces8 Singing For Wellbeing in Primary Schools


The VOCES8 Foundation’s ensembles VOCES8 and Apollo5 and a dedicated Foundation team deliver world-class performances, education and community engagement to help provide singing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.


Singing for Wellbeing is a project for children and their teachers designed to inspire and engage children in group singing, build their teamwork skills, develop their self-confidence and promote a sense of wellbeing. The project will feature:

· training and support for teachers


· in-school workshops and Big Sing Event for participating classes


· resources to enable teachers to continue using the warm-ups and songs and share them across their schools


What the project will involve


First Day 5th February 2024

(This will take place in a central Hereford location between 2pm and 5pm)


Work with Ann Wright, the VOCES8 Foundation’s Director of Education to

explore and learn a range of warm-ups and songs and how to teach these to

your classes. Discover singing materials you can use to help your class,

whether it’s warm-ups that help children focus, songs celebrating their

individuality, or songs bringing everyone together as a team. This day will

also include a workshop with one primary school led by Ann.


Second Day 5th March 2024

(Venues to be confirmed)


Ann will be joined by a member of the Foundation singing team to deliver workshops in designated schools. Each workshop will focus on the songs and resources given to the teachers at the prior session, helping to support and develop the singing skills of the pupils.


Big Sing 19th March 2024


Children and teachers will come together for a workshop and performance showcasing the songs they have learned. The VOCES8 Foundation Singers will lead this day singing with the children and sharing some of their own songs.


Resources to enable all participating teachers to learn and lead the songs will be provided. Teachers will also be able to use these across their school.

What to do next

If you would like your school to be involved with the project, you can click the link below to be taken to the online registration form. Please note this project is only open to Year 3 & 4 classes. The cost to take part in the project is £60 per schoolPlease note schools must be a partner school to access, if you are unsure if your school is a partner school you can check here. If your school is not yet signed up as a partner school and you would like to sign up, you can do so here.

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