Accredited Teachers
We currently have approximately 50 Accredited Teachers teaching a wide variety of instruments in most primary and secondary schools across the county.
All Accredited Teachers have undergone a rigorous recruitment process. They hold an enhanced DBS and have received annual safeguarding training (which has been devised with the advice of Herefordshire’s LADO). Accredited Teachers have access to relevant training opportunities and receive regular quality assurance visits. Accredited Teachers are self-employed but supported, overseen and quality assured by our Music Education Manager whose contact details can be found below.
The online Accredited Teacher list is available to Music Service Partner Schools. When the Accredited Teacher list is updated, schools will be informed by email. It is the responsibility of schools to check that Accredited Teachers continue to be accredited with Encore. The online AT list will always be the most up-to-date copy.
Pupil practice books greatly improve communication between parents and teachers and give clear guidelines for pupils to support their practicing. It is therefore recommended that these are used for all Accredited Teacher lessons with pupils of all ages.
Accredited Teacher lessons are quality assured regularly by our Music Education Manager. If you have any concerns, please discuss with the teacher first. If the issue continues, then please contact Sue Walker (Music Education Manager): swalker@encore-enterprises.com
For More Information
If you have any queries about instrumental/vocal lessons or would like more information, please contact:
Financial Support For Tuition
Herefordshire Music Fund is a charity run by local people. It provides financial support for tuition and other musical activities for pupils in challenging financial circumstances.